Monday, January 6, 2020

Non-violence movement and resistance in the united states Free Essay Example, 2000 words

The first of the tactics that was applied by the African-American Civil Rights Movement, headed by Martin Luther King Jr. as his first civil rights movement resistance assignment, was the economic non-cooperation. One year after Luther King Jr. became the pastor of the Dexter Church in 1954, he was unanimously selected to lead the Montgomery Improvement Association in 1955, to the Montgomery city bus boycott after a black had been arrested for refusing to yield her seat to a white (History, n.p. ). The objective of the planned non-violent resistance was to end the racial segregation and discrimination that treated the African Americans as second-class citizens, who were not supposed to take a seat on a bus, when there was a white who was not seated. Therefore, the black community in Montgomery applied the economic non-cooperation tactic that entailed their failure to board any of the Montgomery city buses (Samad, 31). The economic non-cooperation tactic eventually bored fruit, throu gh achieving the objective of ending racial segregation in the Montgomery city buses. The Montgomery boycott became one of the major successes in the history of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. We will write a custom essay sample on Non-violence movement and resistance in the united states or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This is after the Supreme Court took over the discrimination case following the Montgomery boycott, and eventually ruled that racial segregation in the city buses was unconstitutional, on November 13, 1956 (History, n.p. ). The other major non-violent tactic that was applied by the African-American Civil Rights Movement was legislative lobbying and civil rights movement sponsored legal suits (History, 2015). These tactics would eventually compel the government and the other relevant authorities to act on the gains that had been made by the movements. The fact that the African-American Civil Rights Movement would achieve certain rulings from the courts in favor of their objectives did not mean that that was the end of their discrimination or segregation. The acting authorities would continue to delay the implementation of the rulings, causing the African-American Civil Rights Movement to apply legislative lobbying and sponsored legal suits, which would then compel the authorities to act (Samad, 42). For example, the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka is a popular case in the history of the USA African-American Civil Rights Movement, which saw the Supreme Court rule that the education segregation laws applied by the states in the USA were unconstitutional in 1954 (History, n.p. ).

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